New Technology Assistance
- Identify the right questions
- Determine the best answers
- Develop the right technological solution
- Select the best manufacturing solution
- Successfully implement the solution
NewTech Development, LLC specializes not only in helping companies implement new technology but also in developing strategies to surmount the business problems encountered in growing a company involved in emerging markets and technologies.
Having successfully taken an emerging technology business in laser material processing through the transition from pioneer to emerging market, from the garage to 200+ people, and to a successful sale has taught us the value of asking questions that explore a range of possible solutions to business problems/opportunities. We have learned that ..
we do not know what we do not know,
we have the most problems.
Many factors need to be considered when working with emerging technologies. The real art is in asking questions that bring out the information we were not seeking but need to know to achieve success.
Finding solutions is easy; determining if we have the problem that the solution works for is the hard part. NewTech Development, LLC specializes in selecting the path with the highest chance of success for your organization.
NewTech Development LLC
1917 County Road I
Somerset WI 54025 USA
Phone 715-247-3242
Fax 715-247-3594